
Juliette Psychic- Medium recognised by the spiritualist movement in the UK.
As a Medium as well as a Psychic, I provide messages from passed loved ones, identify your spirit guides who are with you to support you, help you gain clarity on any questions you may have regarding your present and future, and help you to awaken to your own true Self and fulfill your purpose on this earth plane.

Additionally, I have also helped owners retrieve their missing pets by using remote viewing.
Finally, I practice automatic writing during which I channel universal messages for the higher good (please see the ‘blog’ section of this website), and would like to integrate this practice in my consultations as well.
Thus, please do ask if interested in this service.

Private consultation of 30 minutes

During a consultation, I will open to all my abilities and connect with the spirit world to provide you with information and messages from your loved ones (relatives and/or friends) who have passed on, therefore giving you the reassurance that they are still by your side. Opportunities and challenges taking place in your life will surface during the reading and guidance will be provided to help you gain clarity and direction.

Private consultation of 1 hour 

A longer reading provides the opportunity to take a more in-depth look at key areas of life and to address any issues that might prevent you from moving forward. This will help you to gain clarity and provide you with the tools needed to embark on self-improvement.

Have a look at my website and see if I could be the right Psychic/ Medium for you: wwww.communicationfromthebeyond.com

Thank you!

